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Afghani & Zo

Are you also tired with the standard 'bavette', printed on each menu around town? Well I am. What is up with the word 'bavette' anyway? Since when do we call an ordinary steak 'bavette'. Please don't try to make it fancier than it is...

... YEAH! Afghan cuisine! Such a refreshingly different thing. And what a cool new place in Eindhoven!

Afghani & Zo, located at the canal, the Bleekstraat. This is a good central location.

I stood there, in front of this restaurant and didn't know what to expect. The front of the place does not compare to what you will find inside. A very modern looking, well furnished, restaurant. Different areas to sit. A bigger group can sit in the back, in a very cool space with high walls. Feeling romantic? Ask for the upper room. This is a Persian room with a lot of pillows to sit on, divided in different, cozy corners.

You can order a three course meal or a tasting menu with the concept of potluck. Everything you'll get is really good! Spicy, sweet, grilled, creamy food to eat without cutlery. Just rip off a piece of the bread, use it to grab some food and put it in your mouth. Bon appetit!

The owner is a very cheerful woman, so proud of her business. Thank you for providing Eindhoven with your fine food!

Afghani & Zo

Bleekstraat 23 - Eindhoven - €€

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